During FHE, JJ told us the story of the Golden Plates and we impressed Daddy with our song.
This week our sight words were "we" and "my." I found some great printable worksheets for the boys and they actually have done much better at remembering the words when they see them after writing them so many times.
WE (I can't remember where I got this one!!)
Thanksgiving "I am Thankful for MY..."
Sight books for our words:
Bedtime, We Like School, My House, What begins with G?
We also practiced this song every day:
On Tuesday we talked about how excited we are that GRANDPARENTS are coming in 2 weeks!! We read this/these books:
What Grandmas do best, What Grandpas do best
Another "G" book we read:
The three Billy Goats Gruff
We also finished:
My Father's Dragon
On Wednesday we talked about Giraffes and Gorillas.
We read through our science book about them.
We traced the letter G using this worksheet, and then used glitter to create a masterpiece using a mural and animal drawings from the same site linked above. The glitter was the best part.
That day we also went on a nature walk looking for things that start with the letter "G" or just letter "G". Here's a few things:
Boys will be boys... and upon returning home from our walk, they insisted that they watch the construction workers across the street while they ate their snack. This was probably the best part of their day.
On Thursday, G was for gumballs. The boys never realized they didn't GET any gumballs, they just worked on the worksheets. Hahaha.
They enjoyed glueing the pom-poms to the gumball machine, and also the "Roll a Gumball" game.
Thursday was also game day. We played lots of educational games such as:
Candy Land - Dora The Explorer
On Friday, G was for goose.
We read The Goose who laid the Golden Eggs from the book Read and Understand Folktales & Fables and did the worksheet. Since the glitter was so popular in the days before, we made our golden eggs glittery. The boys also did a Dot-to-Dot Numbers Activity Zone (Ages 4-6)
of a goose.
We've also been reading stories from The Friend to talk about reverence and respect. I also picked up some "character" books from the thrift store. Books about being too rough, etc. The boys need to hear it from somewhere else besides JUST Mom & Dad.
This week we also talked a lot about Moses. We read about Baby Moses, The burning bush/reverence, Moses' speech challenge, and Moses before Pharoh and the plagues. Each day we have a coloring page that we color and it will become a cool book for the boys when we're finished.
We had a pretty good week. I have to change the way we do things almost every week to keep their attention, but we're managing. And... I think (hope) they're learning something. :)
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