After the lesson I introduced a simple little system to help them choose healthy snacks. I found the idea here:
I used the printable provided on her website and also made a few more magnets for other snacks that we like at our house. Now when the kids are hungry, they can choose a snack off the magnet board and SHOW me what they want. This has been extremely helpful with a child who doesn't speak yet, and another child that has only spoken English for a few months.
I am able to change the snack options depending on what we've got in the house. (Pictured to the left is VV showing me that she wants raisins.)
I also found some nutritional online games that my 4 year old enjoyed playing. The ones we played dealt with sorting foods into their food groups. The games were a little too advanced for him, but we played them together and he really enjoyed it.
I found another website that had some wonderful printables about the food pyramid and nutrition. I printed off a few of those and used them as I explained our new "system."
During the week we also finally put batteries in our grocery check-out toy. The kids had a blast purchasing food from each other.
We also went to a children's museum where they had a pretend store. The kids enjoyed putting food in their carts and pretending to shop.
They also picked "apples" from the apple tree.
They really loved this because we'd been reading this book which talks all about the apple harvest.
My kids really enjoy file folder games. I found this one that started a dialogue about food coming from the ground.
All 3 kids loved playing with it.
Books we read this week:
Floating Bananas
Green Eggs and Ham
The Little Red Hen
Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs
Big Bird's Day at the Farm
The Very Hungry Caterpillar