Here are some things that we did:
I gave the kids yellow circles and had them decorate them to make them faces. We then hole punched the sides, tied on some string, and made necklaces out of them. They didn't last long (hence, no pictures) but the kids enjoyed the craft. I got this and other ideas here:
Feelings Activity Theme
Saturday, 18 October 2008
Feelings Coloring Pages Check out our feeling coloring pages and our smile coloring pages you can print out for this theme or use the links above...
Saturday, 18 October 2008
Feelings Coloring Pages Check out our feeling coloring pages and our smile coloring pages you can print out for this theme or use the links above...
That night was Family Home Evening:
Song: If you're happy & you know it
Lesson: At first we went around the circle and gave "put-UP's" instead of "put-downs."
Next, we went to the "Feelings" file folder packet that I made from here:
We did some of the activities and games and discussed the feelings. We even imitated the faces on the cards.
Afterwards, we made rice krispie treat faces.
Throughout the week I had a basket of books and the "feelings folder" out for the kids whenever they wanted to reference them.
I didn't buy any books, I just searched through our huge library of kids books and found the ones that had to do with "feelings." Here's what we read:
I also printed little packets for the kids to color:
Found here.
I think it was a successful week. The kids are able to express themselves a little better with creative options instead of just yelling, screaming, hitting, etc.